
Biden Must Withdraw for a Viable Challenge to Trump

Biden Must Withdraw for a Viable Challenge to Trump

Originally posted July 5, 2024 New Politics by Frieda Afary If the current crisis within the Democratic Party does lead to Biden’s withdrawal from the race and a period of open debate and discussion to pick a viable presidential and vice-presidential team of...

اپوزیسیون دموکراسی‌خواه ایران باید به مساله الغای اعدام و الغای زندان بپردازد

اپوزیسیون دموکراسی‌خواه ایران باید به مساله الغای اعدام و الغای زندان بپردازد گفتگوی زمانه با فریدا آفاری، 5 بهمن 1402 نویسنده، مترجم و کنشگر سیاسی ساکن ایالات متحده در پاسخ به «زمانه» با اشاره به ضرورت پیوند بین اپوزیسیون دموکراسی‌خواه ایران و کنش‌گران الغای اعدام و زندان در دیگر کشورها می‌گوید: «جنبش زن...

Feminism and Humanism Revisited through Two Anniversary Books

Feminism and Humanism Revisited through Two Anniversary Books

The thirtieth anniversary of the publication of Rosemary Hennessy’s Materialist Feminism & the Politics of Discourse, and  of Judith Grant’s Fundamental Feminism: Radical Feminist History for the Future, prompts a reexamination of their contributions. Materialist...

Opposing Rape & Gender Violence Internationally

Opposing Rape & Gender Violence Internationally

We can  learn from how Narges Mohammadi in Iran and our Afghan sisters struggling under the brutal rule of the Taliban,  are  declaring their opposition both to Israel’s brutal  invasion of Gaza and Hamas’s misogyny and authoritarianism. Frieda Afary December 11, 2023...